Calamos Supports Greece


White House: All Parties Involved Should Keep Greece in Eurozone

The White House said on Wednesday it believes all parties involved in negotiations over Greece's financial crisis want the country to stay in the Eurozone, according to Reuters. White House spokesperson Josh Earnest told reporters on Air Force One that...

Greek FinMin Varoufakis: Why We Recommend a NO in the Referendum

Greece's Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis explained why he recommends to the Greek people to vote NO on the upcoming referendum about Greece's deal with its international creditors. Varoufakis wrote on his blog to explain why he and his government ask...

Eurozone Will Wait After Referendum to Decide on Greece's ESM Request

  The Eurozone’s nineteen Finance Ministers held a teleconference on Wednesday to discuss Greece’s request for a two-year deal with the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and decided to not take further action on the matter until after Sunday’s referendum. Eurogroup President Jeroen Disselbloem said...

Tsipras: NO Does Not Mean Rupture With Europe

After a week of continuous developments in Greece and abroad, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras addressed the nation on Wednesday, just a few hours before the planned Eurogroup, and spoke in favor of voting NO in Sunday's referendum. Tsipras confirmed that...

Greek Energy Minister: We Have a Plan B, We Don't Need EU Money

Greece has a Plan B and does not need European Union money, said Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis. "The situation is very difficult but we shouldn't allow the opportunity to exploit us," Lafazanis said to Russia 24...

Greek PM Tsipras Sends Leter Accepting Creditors Terms with Five Revisions

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras sent a letter late on Tuesday night ready to accept the conditions of a bailout proposed by Greece's creditors, according to the Financial Times. The letter indicated that Greece will accept all its bailout creditors’ terms,...

Thousands of Greeks Demonstrate Saying 'Yes' to Europe

Thousands of Greeks protested in front of the Greek Parliament asking to stay in the European Union and the euro. The mayors of Athens and Thessaloniki delivered speeches and demonstrated for Europe. Despite the early drizzle that developed to a hard rain,...

Eurozone’s shared identity the final tragedy of the Greek crisis

By Wesley Widmaier*, Griffith University Economic policy is not a morality tale. The Greek tragedy is that the Europeans have treated the Greek crisis as a question of national character. In their outrage at the Greeks – in the context of...

EFSF Announces End of Greek Bailout Programme; Greece on its Own

The European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) just released a statement announcing the end of its financial assistance to Greece. After the end of the programme on Tuesday Greece will be on its own, amidst the worst financial crisis the...

Eurogroup: Greek Program Extension and Debt Restructuring Rejected

  Tuesday evening’s urgent Eurogroup teleconference resulted in the arrangement of another conference for Wednesday, July 1, at 11.30 am Central European Time. The meeting was scheduled after the Greek government submitted a request to the European Stability Mechanism for a two-year...