Calamos Supports Greece


Greeks Who Made It on the 2016 Forbes Richest List

Forbes magazine published its list with the richest people in world for 2016. For the specific list, the Forbes' team tracked 1,810 billionaires, whose total value is worth $6.48 trillion. This year, 10 Greeks from around the world made it...

Spiegel: This Holiday Greeks Will Recieve Fewer Gifts

"The Greeks are getting less" is the title of an article on the website of German paper Spiegel. The article claims that this holiday, Greeks will receive far fewer gifts due to the fall in turnover of Greek stores...

Greeks Can No Longer Use Their PayPal Accounts

The capital controls that were recently imposed to Greece by its government left PayPal paralyzed, as the online payment company relies exclusively on the traditional banking sector and credit card industry for its transactions. "Due to the recent decisions of the Greek authorities...

Thousands Rally in Athens For Greece's Stay in the Eurozone

Thousands of Greeks opposing to the country's exit from the Eurozone gathered outside the Greek Parliament on Monday to raise their voice against the "war of propaganda against the IMF" and make sure that Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and the rest...

ND: 'Greek People Are Victims Of Fallacy'

Greece's main center-right political party New Democracy (ND) unleashed harsh accusations against the current government for its persistence in misguiding the Greek people. Specifically, New Democracy claims that the Coalition of the Radical Left (Syriza) along with the representatives of the Independent Greeks (ANEL)...

Greeks Are Keen on Revenge, Especially in Financial Matters

"Our lines are currently busy. Please wait..." This is the automated message that greets you when you dial 1517, a special telephone service used to report tax evasion. In 2008, the service's first year of operation, just 4,000 Greeks dialed 1517...

Smartphones Are Costing Greeks, Study Finds

In the last seven years, Greeks have spent over 700 million euros to repair or replace their damaged smartphones, according to a report by SquareTrade, a warranty service provider in San Francisco. Notably, 40% of Greek smartphone-owners had experienced a...

Greek Stereotypes

There are many ways to describe Greek people, we are communicative, caring, easy-going, hospitable, friendly, generous, smiley, sensual, affectionate, humorous and passionate... The list could be endless, but there are some stereotypes that Greeks can't shake. In the eye of...

What Kind of Books Do Greeks Read?

Greeks love books and enjoy reading before falling asleep at night, even more so on the beach during the summertime. During the recession in Greece, books are seen as good companions that help people escape the harsh reality and...

Greeks in Crisis

A recent survey by the Greek Statistical Service (MRB Hellas) showed that Greeks are in crisis. In this case not financial, but a psychological one that divides the nation politically and socially. The results of the survey carried out by MRB...