Calamos Supports Greece


Louka Katseli Sugarcoats New Bailout Plan at LSE and Contends Greek Debt Is Sustainable

In early 2010, she was a Minister for Labor under Papandreou's Pasok government, in 2012 she left Pasok and founded The Social Agreement Party, and in the legislative elections of 2015 her party joined forces with Syriza, eventually landing...

Varoufakis Remains Major Political Headache for Tsipras

Flamboyant former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis continues to haunt the Syriza-led government with his endless revelations to the media about the existence of Plan X and Tsipras’ lack of political nerve, particularly as the PM himself appears unable...

Tsipras-Mitsotakis Cross Swords in Greek Parliament Over Pension System

The first battle in parliament between Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and newly elected New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis took place Tuesday evening on the hot issue of security system reforms. "The pension system is not sustainable," said Tsipras. "We are...

Greece Faces Fiscal Gap for 2016

Greece’s parliamentary budget office warns in its quarterly report of the appearance of a fiscal gap for 2016, thereby sending shivers down the spine of government officials who are trying to convince badly battered citizens that recovery is on...

Tsipras: We Gave a Breath of Dignity to the Greek People

"We gave Greek people a breath of dignity," said Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras addressing SYRIZA supporters in celebration of one year in government. The Greek prime minister spoke at a gathering in the Tae Kwon Do Arena in Palaio Faliro...

Different Opinion Polls Show Greeks Pessimistic About Future

Two opinion polls published on Saturday show that overall Greeks are pessimistic about the future and don't trust the current government, while not favoring the opposition either. A study conducted by University of Macedonia on behalf of Skai television shows...

Hope Has Turned to Despair One Year After Syriza’s Historic Rise to Power

“Hope begins today” was the message that the current Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras sent to the Greek people when his Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) party won the national elections held a year ago, on January 25th...

It's the Economy, Mr. Tsipras!

The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' trip in Davos is very similar to his disastrous visit to New York last year, where he went to attract American investors to Greece. Instead of investors, he attracted tons of ridicule in...

Greek Government Agrees to Hold Discussions with IMF Over Pension Reform

  Tsipras’ Syriza-led government has done more somersaults since it came to power than an acrobatic gymnastics team in Olympic competition. Take for example its stance on the IMF and the so-called Troika in general. First, Tsipras and his lieutenants promised...

EU Officials Express Concerns Over Nepotism in Greek Government Under Syriza

Nepotism, favoritism, and cronyism have become such pervasive phenomena in financially bankrupt and poverty-stricken Greece under the Syriza-led government that EU officials are warning that the new bailout program may be at risk. EU officials have been on the receiving...