Calamos Supports Greece


What Do the Greek Protesters in Syntagma Really Want?

In the country that gave birth to Democracy why would its people protest for 30 days against a legally voted government, especially since these people may have voted for it? We went to Syntagma square, met them and found out the answers.

Investors Consider Direct Kavala-Plovdiv, Bulgaria Airline

Greek investors are considering launching a direct air line between the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv and the Greek town of Kavala on the Aegean Sea coast. The idea for the Plovdiv-Kavala line has been discussed for several months and was...

Good Work Environment Equals Profitability

At a time when a large number of Greek companies are trying to survive by lowering the salaries or/and benefits of their employees, research argues that when a company invests in its people it will succeed long-term profitability. The Great...

“Greeks will start begging soon” says Turkish State Minister

In a speech praising the high economic growth in Turkey in 2010, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc said "Greeks will start begging soon to survive." Bulent Arinc spoke at an inauguration ceremony at Urfa in Southeast Turkey: "In 2010...

“We invented both democracy and demagogy”

Former Foreign Minister of Greece Dora Bakoyannis visited Turkey today to attend a conference on "Women and Politics in Europe and Turkey"g by KA-DER, an NGO defending women's rights at Bilgi University. On an exclusive interview with Turkish news...

Turkish PM confused about Greece

Criticized by European Commission about press freedom issues in Turkey, Prime Minister Recep T. Erdogan said (they) should be concerned about Greece first. Erdogan also criticized the treatment of Muslim minorities in Greece. Last week police in Turkey went practically...

Cypriot President's Remarks Regarding Greece Invading Cyprus Causes Outrage

Various political parties, organisations and groups have expressed their outrage over the Cyprus President's remarks that Greece invaded Cyprus. There has been an outburst of condemnation all over social media networking sites calling Christophias resignation. President Christophias spoke at the Brookings institute...