Calamos Supports Greece


Supermassive Black Hole Faces Earth

An international team of space experts has discovered something incredible: a galaxy with some very unusual activity going on in its core, which has led to its being reclassified. The galaxy is called PBC J2333.9-2343, but after some new research,...

NASA Warns of Asteroid Danger

A leading scientist from NASA has raised concerns about the possibility of a gigantic asteroid hitting our planet. James Garvin, the chief scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, has warned that the danger posed by such an event...

Launch of 3D-Printed Rocket Canceled

A setback occurred for the world's first 3D-printed rocket, which was created by the aerospace firm Relativity Space in California. Despite several efforts to launch the rocket, it was not successful. In an industry that has traditionally been dominated by...

Astronomers Discover Metal-Rich Galaxies in Early Universe

Cornell University astronomers have made an incredible discovery in the first image captured by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST): a blob of light near the edge of SPT0418-47, one of the brightest star-forming galaxies from the early universe. Gravitational...

DNA From 4 American Presidents Will Launch to Deep Space

Four former United States presidents will have their DNA sent into space as part of a special memorial flight by Celestis, a Texas-based space burial company. The announcement was made on President's Day in a Celestis blog post on...

Life on Mars May Be Evading Detection, Scientists Say

According to recent research findings, the robots that are now investigating Mars may not be sensitive enough to identify any signs of life that could exist on the red planet. Despite the fact that previous missions to Mars confirmed that...

NASA Finds Evidence of Lakes in Unexpected Region of Mars

NASA's Curiosity rover made an unexpected and exciting discovery when it arrived at the "sulfate-bearing unit" of Mars: rippled rock textures that indicate lakes once existed in this supposedly dry region. Although researchers expected to find salty minerals leftover from...

What Time Is It on the Moon?

As space agencies and private companies prepare for increased lunar exploration, including the establishment of permanent bases on the Moon, scientists are working to answer a fundamental question: What time is it on the Moon? According to the journal Nature,...

Radio Signal From the Most Distant Galaxy Captured by Astronomers

A radio signal has been picked up by astronomers from the most distant galaxy known to mankind with a unique wavelength known as the "21-centimeter line" or the "hydrogen line," emitted by neutral hydrogen atoms. The Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope...

Astronomers Find the Most Distant Stars in Our Galaxy

More than 200 RR Lyrae stars—distant variable stars—have been found by astronomers in the Milky Way's stellar halo. Over a million light-years separate us from the furthest of these stars. This is roughly half the distance to our nearest...