Calamos Supports Greece


NASA Space Apps Challenge Returns to Cyprus April 16 – 17

NASA Space Apps Challenge, the biggest event for the development of innovative and space oriented ideas, is back in Cyprus for the fourth consecutive year. Last year, one of the winning teams of the Space Apps Challenge Limassol 2015, “ArachnoBeeA”,...

Travelling in Space from the Greek Capital

A pleasant surprise awaits Greek citizens passing through Syntagma Square in downtown Athens, Greece . A white dome has been set up as part of the European Space Expo, where visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the benefits of...

Greek Space Program Gets Boost

A five million euros ($6.59 million) funding proposal has been approved for the Hellenic Space Technologies and Applications Cluster (si-Cluster)  by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT). Members of si-Cluster-Greek high tech companies and research centers represent a...

Homer’s ‘Odyssey’ Headed to Space

Warner Bros is gearing up to create a new version of Homer's "The Odyssey" that will set the Greek epic in space, according to Deadline. The movie studio has put James DiLapo in place to begin writing the script for...

Greek-Australian Getting Ready to Travel to Space

Nikos Halikopoulos, aka Nik Halik, is a millionaire who used to live in Melbourne. He has tried to travel to the moon several times, and in 2008 he came pretty close to his dream as a "substitute passenger" for space travel. Halik...