Calamos Supports Greece


A Tough Month for the Greek Government Ahead of First Review

The Greek government has the urgent task to legislate and start implementing the prior actions required by the bailout program in order to be ready for the first review on November 15. Two packages of unpopular measures need to be...

IMF: Greece Might Need More Measures to Cover Primary Deficit

Greece might need additional measures as 2015 will end with an estimated 0.5 percent primary deficit instead of the required 0.25 percent, says an International Monetary Fund report. According to the recent Fiscal Monitor, an IMF report on international economy, Greece...

Greeks Expected to Pay Additional €4.35 Billion in 2016 Budget

The 2016 state budget that was tabled in parliament on Monday includes new measures that demand an additional 4.35 billion euros from cash-strapped Greeks. New taxes and contributions and pension cuts for 2015 and 2016 total 6.4 billion euros. More...

Eurogroup Urges Immediate Implementation of Greek Reforms for Additional Funds

The first Eurogroup meeting following the formation of the new Greek government resulted in an agreement on the next steps that must be followed for additional bailout funds to be poured into Greece. According to Greek media reports, Greece was the topic of discussion for approximately 20...

Greek PM Tsipras to Oversee Quick Implementation of Measures

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras upon his arrival from the U.S. has to oversee the implementation of the measures required by the bailout program. A European Union official said that Friday's Euro Working Group will finalize the list of about...

EU Reminds Greece to Fulfill Agreement Requirements

After the Euro Working Group session on Thursday it was decided that the Greek government is still within the timeline to implement reforms required and fulfill the terms of the agreement. The lenders representatives gave the Euro Working Group a...

More Austerity Awaits Greeks in Election Aftermath

Greeks are bracing to face a series of austerity measures and harsh reforms in the aftermath of the election that brought to power the previous coalition of SYRIZA and ANEL. About fifty measures and reforms have to be implemented by...

Red Loans Pose Threat to Greek Banks Restart

"Bad loans haunt Greek Banks Seeking New Start" is the title of a Reuters report regarding the plight of the banking sector in Greece's economic crisis. After 40 billion euros of deposit outflows and three weeks of closed doors and...

Greek PM Tsipras to Move Parliamentary Vote on Reforms to House Summer Sessions

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is considering closing down the Greek Parliament plenary in order for the new reform bills to be voted during the parliamentary summer sessions, according to sources from the Maximos Mansion. By closing down the House...

Greek FinMin: Only 3-4 Things Remain Open in Negotiations with Creditors

The meeting of Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos and Economy Minister Giorgos Stathakis with the representatives of the four lending institutions concluded on Wednesday, with Tsakalotos stating that the only differences remaining are on the timeline of the implementation of the...