Calamos Supports Greece


DNA Reveals Indigenous Mexicans Migrated to California 5,200 Years Ago

Over five thousand years ago, hunter-gatherers from Mexico moved to California. A recent genetic study suggests those indigenous Mexicans might have brought unique languages from the south about a thousand years earlier than previously thought. This new discovery questions the...

Cargo of Gold, Silver on Ship That Sank Off Florida 400 Years Ago

Santa Margarita, a Spanish ship that sank off the coast of Florida about four centuries ago, kept its treasures hidden for many centuries. This extraordinary tale of lost wealth and sunken splendor unfolded in the waters off the coast...

Body Language Signs From Ancient Times Still Used Today

People have used body language to communicate since time immemorial. Our early relatives expressed themselves through gestures, facial expressions, body movements, and sounds. Later on, the sounds turned into spoken language and, much later after that, into written words. Nonetheless,...

Over 2,000 Seal Impressions Uncovered in Ancient Doliche

Archaeologists from the Asia Minor Research Center have made a new discovery in ancient Doliche. They found more than two thousand seal impressions during recent excavations. Doliche (Greek:Δολίχη) was an ancient Greek city founded in the second century BC and...

Vatican Opens Ancient Roman Necropolis to the Public

A new entrance has been opened in the walls of the Vatican. It leads to a place called the Via Triumphalis Necropolis, which is an old Roman city for the dead. Deep within Vatican City, you can find this ancient...

The Most Incredible Sieges in History

Throughout history, sieges have been a testament to the resilience, strategy, and endurance of both attackers and defenders. Cities and fortresses have become centers of some of the most exciting and unusual military endeavors. The military cunning of invaders and...

Why Did Ancient Greek Actors Wear Theater Masks?

One of the most enduring art forms from ancient Greece is that of theater. Greek tragedies and comedies are a touchstone for understanding ancient Greece's culture -- from Euripedes to Sophocoles -- and their written forms are still widely...

Lost Pieces of Golden Tree of Lucignano Found in Tuscany Cave

In a recent announcement from the ESSECI Studio Press Office, authorities found missing parts of a precious artwork, the Golden Tree of Lucignano. This masterpiece was created by a famous goldsmith named Gabriello D'Antonio from Siena. The Golden Tree of...

‘Lazarus’ Primate Was North America’s Last Until Arrival of Humans

Nebraska and China might seem pretty different, but they both have something ancient in common: a group of primates that lived thirty million years ago. These primates came to North America way before our modern human ancestors did. The name...