Calamos Supports Greece


List of Plane Crashes in Greece the Last 25 years

Family members of the victims who tragically lost their lives in the Helios Airways Flight 522 crash, an incident that claimed the lives of all passengers on board, including twenty-two children, gathered to honor their memory at the crash...

The Ancient Greek Celebrations of Mid-August

The Synoikia was an ancient Greek festival held in Athens between August 15 and 16 to celebrate the unification of Attica. The festival was also known as the Thesean Synoikismos and the Feast of Union. During the Synoikia, the...

August 15th: Discover the Big Celebration of Tinos Island

  For Greeks, August 15 is one of the most important holidays on the calendar, but it is an especially huge day in Tinos. It's vacation time for most working Greeks, and a celebration of all the Marias, Marios, Panagiotis,...

How The Gold of Florence Revived Greco-Roman Classical Art

In the early 1200s, the flourishing Roman-barbarian city of Florence was filling its banks and institutions with gold. Close to Rome and bordering on the Exarchate of Ravenna, Florence began garnering its own independence and political organization. Despite Latin...

Who is Prometheus, the Greek God Referenced in ‘Oppenheimer’?

"Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to man. For this, he was chained to a rock and tortured for eternity," reads the opening caption of director Christopher Nolan's blockbuster movie Oppenheimer. Based on the true story of J....

Aeschylus, the Father of Greek Tragedy Who Met an Absurd Death

Aeschylus, the greatest poet-dramatist of ancient Greece, who met an absurd death, lived in the 5th century BC and went down in history as the father of tragedy. He is often referred to as the founder of the trilogy genre....

First Women Lawyers of Ancient Rome

In the 1st century BC, the Roman Republic underwent a moment of severe crisis following the death of Caesar. This was during the transformation to its second phase as an empire. Prosperity and territorial expansion had filled Rome with...