Calamos Supports Greece


Coronavirus Cases Surge in Greece with 2,353 on Tuesday

The number of coronavirus cases surged today in Greece, as a total of 2,353 cases of the virus were diagnosed across the country on Tuesday alone -- the highest number of daily cases recorded in Greece in 2021. The figure...

Coronavirus Cases Spike to 1,400 in Greece on Thursday

A total of 1,400 cases of Covid-19 were diagnosed in Greece on Thursday, spiking sharply yet again after the country recorded 755 cases of the virus just one day earlier, on Wednesday. The cases diagnosed on Tuesday represent 645 more...

Snow Storm Departs Athens, Leaving Suburbs in Darkness

The snow storm "Medea," which left Athens covered in snow Tuesday, passed through the city on Wednesday and is making its way toward Crete. The winter storm has left over 40,000 homes in Attica, especially in Athens' suburbs, without electricity...