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Greek Cypriot - search results

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Annet Artani Reaching Stardom One Note at a Time

The Greek-American singer talks about her new songs and her future plans.

Our Problem is Indifference

By Aleco Haralambides, President American Hellenic Institute Some Greek-American news organizations have recently taken up a critical review of the so-called “Greek American Lobby” and...

Congress Underlines Turkey’s Legal Responsibility for Destruction in Northern Cyprus

The US Helsinki Commission under the co-chairmanship of Senator Ben Cardin and Representative Alcee Hastings held a briefing entitled “Cyprus’ Religious Cultural Heritage in...

Award Presentation to Hillary Clinton from CEH

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met at the State Department with His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios and National Coordinated Effort...

Panpaphian Organization honors Papanicolaou, Maroulleti and Paphitis

The annual  Dinner Dance of Panpaphios this year is taking place on Saturday (January31, 2009), at Terrace on the Park at 6:30PM.  During the event three...