Calamos Supports Greece


Scenarios of Greek Snap Elections in September

Greek Interior Minister Nikos Voutsis said it is very possible there will be snap elections in Greece in September or October. "If not in September, then in October. Elections are very likely, but this will depend on developments from now on,"...

The End of ‘Anti-Memorandum’ Politics in Greece

They called it deal, agreement, treaty, honest compromise, bailout. They dressed it up with fancy words like “social justice,” “fair taxation,” “growth prospect,” “debt haircut.” What they never called it was what it truly was: a Memorandum of Understanding....

ESM's Regling Warns of Greek Banking System Collapse Without Third Bailout

European Stability Mechanism (ESM) head Klaus Regling has warned of a collapse in the Greek banking system if the country does not secure a third bailout, saying this would have consequences for the entire Eurozone. "If everything fails, then the Greek...

Yanis Varoufakis Votes Against the Greek Bailout Deal He Negotiated

On Wednesday evening, former Greek Finance Minister and current SYRIZA MP Yanis Varoufakis voted against a bill that turned into law the austerity-filled terms of the new Greek bailout deal Greece and its international creditors had agreed to in Brussels. The...

Greek PM Tsipras Sends Ultimatum to SYRIZA MPs: Accept the Deal or I Won't be PM Tomorrow

In anticipation of the decisive vote at the Greek Parliament, the SYRIZA Parliamentary Group convened on Wednesday. The country's governing party is facing one of its most crucial moments since its inception in 2004 with a significant number of lawmakers set to...

Majority of SYRIZA Central Committee Denounces Bailout Deal

The SYRIZA party is facing a growing internal strife. While the Greek parliament, convenes later in the day to vote on the provisional bailout deal that Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras agreed to with international creditors in Brussels, his SYRIZA...

Greek Gov't VP: 'I Want to Thank the US for Greece's Bailout Deal'

Greece's vice president and prominent SYRIZA MP Yanis Dragasakis thanked the USA for helping Greece establish a deal with the Eurozone and the IMF, adding that the deal is not yet officialy completed. The Greek VP thanked the US government and...

Greek PM Tsipras Interview: "A Bad Deal Was My Only Option to Save Greece"

"It is a bad deal, but there is no better option" Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said, referring to the agreement he worked out with Greece's creditors at a 17-hour long Euro Summit. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras gave an...

Greek Govt Sources: Tsipras Will Not Step Down

These have been a tough two days for Greece's SYRIZA party and the Tsipras administration. At least 30 SYRIZA lawmakers have stated their intent to turn down the deal Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras made with international creditors on Monday morning. Though the package...

Tsipras Prepared to Replace Dissident Cabinet Members

The decision for a government reshuffle is taken by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who is prepared to replace cabinet members who will vote against the new bailout deal for Greece. According to sources close to the prime minister, Tsipras is...