Calamos Supports Greece

Strait of Gibraltar

The Ancient Greek Colonies of Spain

The Greek colonies in Spain are proof that, as adventurous seafarers, ancient Greeks reached the far end of Europe to trade and establish new settlements. As a seafaring people, ancient Greeks were among the very few "rulers" of the Mediterranean...

Orcas Attack and Sink Boat in Europe

A group of orcas attacked and sank the Grazie Mamma, a mid-size sailing yacht owned by Polish cruise company Morskie Mile. The attack, which lasted about forty-five minutes, took place in southwest Europe off the coast of Morocco in...

Why Orcas Are Attacking Boats, Study Explains

Researchers have conducted a study to uncover the reasons behind the incidents where orcas, also known as killer whales, have been attacking boats in the Strait of Gibraltar. It is believed that these attacks originated from an unfortunate event involving...