Calamos Supports Greece

Phoenician alphabet

Phoenicians: The First Rulers of the Mediterranean

The ancient Greeks named the Phoenicians the "purple people" because of the rare purple dye they made out of snail shells, but they were much more than that: they were the Mediterranean seafarers who created the first alphabet It was...

The Lost Letters of the Greek Alphabet

The Greek alphabet has changed in many ways over the course of its existence. This is hardly surprising, given that the Greeks have been using it for nearly three millennia. One way in which it has changed is that...

The Greek Alphabet and Its Surprising Connection to Egyptian Hieroglyphics

While the history of the alphabet of a particular language may not be of interest to many, it was quite significant to the Greeks. Lots of ancient Greek records contain stories about how they got their alphabet. It was...

How Are the Ancient Greek and Hebrew Alphabets Related?

The Greek alphabet has a long and fascinating history. In fact, its origin goes right back to one of the very earliest writing systems in all of human civilization, Egyptian hieroglyphs. Part of that fascinating heritage involves a surprising...