Calamos Supports Greece


Greek Wine Amphorae Found in Ancient Etruscan Tomb

Archaeologists recently unlocked a 2,600-year-old Etruscan tomb that had stayed sealed for centuries. This ancient tomb was found in Vulci, a once prosperous Etruscan city in central Italy. The tomb has two rooms and is still in excellent condition. Inside...

The Etruscan-Roman Wars and the Crucial Role of Ancient Greeks

The Etruscans and Romans were fierce rivals in early Italic history. Obviously, the Romans ended up being victorious since the Mediterranean came to be dominated by a Roman empire rather than an Etruscan. Yet, what did this rivalry look...

Three-Room Ancient Etruscan Tomb Discovered in Italy

A new three-room Etruscan tomb has been unearthed in the municipality of Barbarano Romano, which would have been right in the heart of southern Etruria, Italy, amid ongoing excavations in and around the municipality which have already revealed another...

The Swastika Symbol in Ancient Greek and Etruscan Cultures

Today, the swastika symbol comes attached to the imagery of Nazi Germany and the holocaust, but the origins of this four-armed symbol predate the Third Reich by at least 8,000 years. It was even used by the ancient Greeks...

DNA Study Finds Etruscans Originated From Steppes—Not Anatolia

The mystery of the origins of the Etruscan people—the center of an enigma that stretches back millennia—has recently been solved, due to the miracles of DNA testing. But in effect, the answer the scientists uncovered only prompts more questions...