Calamos Supports Greece

bailout program

SYRIZA Economist: Greece Cannot Recover Without Debt Cut

Greece can never rebound without a generous debt haircut, said Yiannis Dragasakis, SYRIZA's chief economist. Speaking to Agence France-Presse ahead of Sunday's general elections Greece, Dragasakis said that despite what Greece's creditors say, a debt cut is absolutely necessary in...

Reuters: How Greece Returned to Crisis

Greece is facing a new economic crisis after a series of wrong moves by the coalition government of Antonis Samaras, thus negating four years of harsh austerity measures, a Reuters report says. The Greek prime minister made the mistake of...

EU: No Debt Haircut, Reforms Must be Implemented

The bailout program must continue with all reforms implemented and there will be no debt writeoff, said Greece's European partners ahead of the crucial elections on January 25th. Pierre Moskovici, Wolfgang Schäeuble, Jean-Claude Juncker and Christine Lagarde, said essentially the...

Greece Is Headed for a Great Depression Without 3rd Memorandum

Bloomberg and Reuters, two of the world's most prestigious news agencies, predicted that the next Greek government which will arise after the upcoming election, will face hard times. According to Bloomberg, Greece is set to run out of cash by mid-year...

Rehn: Debt Extension Likely, Not Writedown

Greece is unlikely to win a debt writeoff, however a debt extension is very possible, Olli Rehn told Bloomberg, ahead of the Greek elections. The former European Union economic and monetary affairs commissioner had helped Greece avoid the exit from...

New York Times: Greece Will Race Against Time After Elections

The possibility of a bank run is a danger that Greece is facing if leftist SYRIZA wins the January 25 elections, according to a New York Times report. SYRIZA leads the polls and most likely will form a coalition government...

SYRIZA Will Need EU/IMF Approval to Use T-Bills, Fin Min Says

SYRIZA will need EU/IMF approval to use Treasury bills to cover Greece's funding needs, if the leftist party comes to power, the Ministry of Finance said on Monday. This comes as an answer to Alexis Tsipras, the party leader, who...

IMF Freezes Tranche for Cyprus Over Foreclosure Law

The International Monetary Fund said it will not release the next tranche of bailout funds to Cyprus because of the suspension of a law on foreclosures. According to a Reuters report, the IMF will not release the 88 million euros...

Bloomberg Sees Danger of Grexit

The nightmarish Grexit scenarios of 2010 and 2011 are back, after the recent political turmoil in Greece, said Bloomberg. As international investors analyze the options, they see that Greece's status in the Eurozone is in question again. The 12.78-point record plunge...

Eurogroup Will Not Decide Today on Greek Bailout Extension, Moscovici Says

The euro zone finance ministers will not decide today on any extension of Greece ’s bailout program, said EU Commissioner for Economics and Financial Affairs Pierre Moscovici ahead of the meeting. “What we really want is to reach good agreements...