Calamos Supports Greece

Australian elections

Potential Greek “Battle” in State Elections

Oakleigh may become the field of a Greek electoral battle and Greek voters may face a dilemma in the next state elections of Victoria, if the Liberal Party chooses a Greek candidate for the seat. Theo Zographos is a candidate...

Four Greeks in Australian Parliament

Four Greek-Australians won seats in the Australian Parliament. The Greek Labor MP, Maria Vamvakinou was elected in the seat of Calwell in Victoria. In the Senate, Nick Xenophon was triumphantly reelected in South Australia, while Senator Arthur Sinodinos, who has...

Greek Candidates in Australian Elections

The Greek presence in the Australian parliament may be less after Saturday's election. It is almost certain that Steve Georganas, MP of the Labor Party in the Hindmarsh seat of Adelaide, will not be elected. The Greek Labor MP, Maria...