Calamos Supports Greece


New Hagia Sophia Restoration Coming

Turkish officials have been another another restoration of the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul after a previous renovation that lasted 17 years. The Deputy Director of the  Hagia Sophia Museum, Chagrioulach Tzengkiz,  in an interview with the Anatolia news agency,stressed that...

Exhibition: Greek Press in Ottoman Times

The Turkish Journalists Association and Universal Federation of Greeks organized in Instanbul the Greek Journalists and Printers in Ottoman Press History exhibition presenting the political, social and economic conditions during the World War I, from the Greek journalists’ viewpoint...

European Day of Languages in Sismanoglio Megaro

The halls of the Sismanoglio Megaro of the Consulate General of Greece on Sept. 29, teemed with foreigners and locals ringing in the annual European Day of Languages. The day was proclaimed on Dec. 6, 2001, by the Council of...

Turkey Bars Greeks from Buying Real Estate

Turkey expects a lot of foreign interest in its estate market, but is imposing restrictions on investments from neighboring countries, including Greece. According to recently announced reciprocity regulation, Greek citizens are prohibited from buying estate on the coastal provinces...

Turkey Wants to Make Fall of Constantinople a National Day

Every year on May 29, Turkish people celebrate the Fall of Constantinople in 1453 AD with glamorous festivities. Now, they discuss declaring this day a National Day for Turkey. The French newspaper Le Monde, wrote the article "Fall of Constantinople to...

Free Visa Encourages 800 Turkish Schools to Visit Greece

Recently, Greek officials have decided to provide some tourists coming from Turkey and Russia with free visas. This may increase the tourism from these countries in Greece, and thus, may also be followed by an increase in money. Greek Foreign Minister Stavos Dimas'...

Will Istanbul’s Greek Seminary Reopen?

According to archpriest and Metropolitan of Bursa Elpidophoros Lambriniadis, the Halki Greek Orthodox Seminary on Istanbul's Heybeliada Island may reopen after being closed for 41 years. Its classrooms are being renovated and academics from Thessaloniki University have contributed to this...

Student Conference Honoring Alexandros Papadiamantis in Istanbul

The life and work of the great novelist, Alexandros Papadiamantis, will be studied and honored by students, academic professors, clergymen and journalists, during the student conference “100+1 years Alexandros Papadiamantis”, that will take place in Zografio High School in...

Greek Afxentios Kalagkos Is The Doctor of the Poor

Following in the footsteps of his father, Greek-born cardio sergeant Afxentios Kalagkos has saved the lives of some 9,000 children around the world. His only reward is the smile on those children’s faces. For the past 11 years Mr. Kalagkos...

Greek Carols in Istanbul

The principal of Zografio Greek School in Turkey, Yannis Dermitzoglou has organized a carol singing event for the second time in Istanbul, during which children from Zografio High School in Istanbul sang joyful Christmas songs. The group of children holding...