Calamos Supports Greece


Ancient Sanctuary Dedicated to God Mithras Found in Spain

The remains of a sanctuary dedicated to the god Mithras, along with leftovers from ritual banquets, have been found during excavations at the Villa del Mitra in Cabra, Spain. According to Heritage Daily, the discovery was made by archaeologists from...

Protesters Taking Part in Rebellion in Iran Face Trials

Protestors who have taken part in the insurgent rebellion in Iran are now facing trials. The forms they take are however not certain. Iran is holding trials for the Mahsa Amini rebels, bringing charges against almost a thousand people in...

Authentic Marathon Swim Recreated in Honor of Ancient Greek Heroes

The authentic Marathon swim is taking place this weekend off the island of Evia in Greece with the participation of hundreds of swimmers from all over the world. 2,500 years after it first happened, competitors from 14 countries swim in...

August 480 BC: Leonidas' Brave 300 Fought the Battle of Thermopylae

The battle of Thermopylae and the valiant fight of 300 intrepid Spartans under the guidance of warrior King Leonidas against 10,000 Persian elite soldiers is one of the greatest moments of Ancient Greece's history and provided great tales of...