Calamos Supports Greece

Jens Weidmann

ECB's Weidmann Urges Honest Troika Report on Greece

Europe's politicians seem to have already decided to continue funding Greece, European Central Bank policymaker Jens Weidmann was quoted as saying on Saturday. The ECB Governing Council member and Bundesbank chief said international lenders must still make an "unembellished and...

Bundesbank President: ECB Will Not Fill Greek Budget Gaps

The European Central Bank will not fill potential financing gaps in Greece's budget, Governing Council member Jens Weidmann said on Wednesday. Asked about whether Greece might need another bail-out, the president of Germany's Bundesbank told reporters after a meeting with...

Angela Merkel: "Heart Bleeds" for Greeks

German Chancellor Angela Merkel says her "heart bleeds" for Greeks suffering a crushing economic crisis and defended Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann's criticism of plans by the European Central Bank to buy bonds of indebted countries. Merkel reiterated her hope to...

Jens Weidmann: Greece Must Keep Bailout on Track

Greece must get its reform program back on track if the so-called troika of the European Union, IMF and European Central Bank judges that it has deviated from the plan, Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann was quoted as saying on...

Bundesbank Head Warns Greek Haircut Could be Dangerous

Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann said a haircut for Greece would not resolve the country's debt problems and could in fact be "dangerous" if it led to a relaxation in debt-cutting efforts. "A haircut is not an cure-all," Weidmann told Sunday's...

Weidmann Not Ruling Out Greek Haircut

A haircut, or loss, on Greek debt "can΄t be excluded," European Central Bank Governing Council member Jens Weidmann tells Germany΄s mass circulation newspaper Bild Zeitung in an interview pre-released Wednesday. Still, he warns that this would not solve the source...