Calamos Supports Greece

Evangelos Venizelos

Troika Deal Still Evades Greece

Racing against time before the return of envoys from international lenders next month and a Dec. 9 meeting of the Eurozone, Greece is still trying to reach an agreement on the disputed size of a 2014 budget gap and...

OECD Backs Greek Debt Cut

While hailing progress in implementing reforms - many others remain stuck in limbo - Greece's economy is still in such dire straits that the government should be allowed by its international lenders to write off much of what it...

OECD Predicts Greece's Debt Will be 157 Percent of GDP by 2020

The Greek Minister of Finance, Yiannis Stournaras was stunned by the findings of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s report concerning the course of the Greek economy. Besides the prediction of further recession (0.4 percent) during 2014 --...

Political Foes Gang Up Against SYRIZA

The PASOK Socialists who are in a power-sharing agreement with Prime Minister Antonis Samaras' New Democracy Conservative-led government have joined the Democratic Left (DIMAR) and the new Agreement for New Greece have joined forces to oppose a motion by...

Stournaras Says No Budget Gap (Maybe)

A disputed hole in the 2014 budget - which the government puts at one billion euros while international lenders said it could be as much as 2.5 billion - can be filled without resorting to more austerity measures, Finance...

Presentation of Greece's EU Presidency Logo

The new logo of the Greek Presidency of the European Union, which will begin in January 2014 is rather simple, making reference to Greek elements such as the sea and summer since it forms a small boat. The logo...

SYRIZA Wants Venizelos Probed in Sub Deal

Greece's major opposition Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) party has asked for a parliamentary inquiry into the role that Deputy Prime Minister Evangelos Venizelos, the PASOK Socialist leader, played in the handling of a submarine deal three years...

Troika Leaves Athens Without Deal

Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras will have to present an inconclusive 2014 budget to Parliament on Nov. 21 without the blessing of the country's international lenders as the two sides couldn't agree on how to deal with how much...

Pangalos Tells Greeks: Flee if SYRIZA Wins

Outspoken former Greek Deputy Prime Minister Theodoras Pangalos, who served in a PASOK Socialist government from 2009-12 before retiring after his party took a beating in last year's elections, said if the major opposition party Coalition of the Radical...

DIMAR Rejects Bid To Re-Join Coalition

Democratic Left (DIMAR) leader Fotis Kouvelis, whose party is fast fading away, said he nonetheless will not bring it back into the fold of the coalition government in which he once served for Prime Minister and New Democracy Conservative...