Calamos Supports Greece


Two Earth-like Planets Discovered in Habitable Zone

Two Earth-like planets have been discovered by astronomers in the habitable zone of their planetary system less than sixteen light-years away from Earth. A solar system's habitable zone is the small area around a star, where liquid water is...

Supermassive Black Hole Eats Star, Blasts Remains Toward Earth

A supermassive, distant black hole was observed by astronomers eating up a star and then blasting its remains from the catastrophe directly toward Earth. According to astronomers, the vicious destruction of the star, called a Tidal Disruption Event (TDE), was...

Unconditional Freedom Releases New Documentary

This month, Unconditional Freedom released a new documentary exploring its environmental and social projects. In their own words, Unconditional Freedom creates programs to "provide the reflection, nourishment and tools necessary to restore human dignity." They tackle areas as varied as the...

Ancient Bacteria ‘Sleeping’ Beneath Mars Surface

Ancient bacteria might be sleeping beneath the surface of Mars, where it has been shielded from the harsh radiation of space for millions of years, according to new research. Researchers simulated conditions on Mars in a lab to see how...

Watch Moment NASA’s Dart Spacecraft Crashes Into Asteroid

The Dart probe, operated by NASA, collided with an asteroid and self-destructed as a result. The purpose of the collision was to see if space objects that could endanger Earth could be safely pushed aside. Right up until it...

Jupiter at its Closest to Earth in 59 Years, NASA Claims

On Monday, September 26th, the enormous planet Jupiter will be closer to Earth than it has been in the last 59 years, making it prominently visible in the night sky. As it rises in the east at dusk, the largest...

Jupiter’s Orbit Change Could Make Earth Even More Hospitable to Life

According to recent research, a change in Jupiter's orbit might make the surface of Earth even more suitable to life than it already is. Scientists at the University of California-Riverside (UCR) studied simulations of several configurations of our solar system...

New Research Sheds Light on Moon’s Origin

New research sheds light on the origin of the Moon, proving its native noble gases derived from the Earth's mantle. The discovery is a key element to the puzzle of how the Moon, and perhaps even the Earth and other...

Earth Spinning Faster than Usual Scientists Say

The Earth has been discovered to be spinning faster than usual, and this is resulting in shorter days. It is a phenomenon that has left scientists perplexed. According to new measurements by the UK’s National Physical Laboratory, the Earth is...

Asteroid, the Size of a Bus, Just Passed Close by Earth

A never-before noticed asteroid the size of a bus made a close approach to Earth on Thursday passing within just 56,000 miles (90,000 kilometers). The asteroid, named 2022 NF, passed safely by our planet at about 23 percent of the...