Calamos Supports Greece


Giannis Antetokounmpo Takes NBA Trophy to the Parthenon

Giannis Antetokounmpo and his brother Thanasis Antetokounmpo were pictured holding their NBA Finals trophies high at the Parthenon in Athens yesterday. The Antetokounmpos climbed Athens' most iconic landmark at the Acropolis to salute their Greek heritage with basketball's most coveted...

Raging Fires Spread Across Greece, Record High Temperatures

Fires are overtaking various regions of Greece as the country experiences record high temperatures. The blaze has caused evacuations 13 miles north of Athens near Tatoi, in Varympopi, Adames and Thrakomakedones, as well as in the southern Peloponnese region...

AHEPA Celebrates 99 Years of Service in Athens Convention

Celebrating 99 years, the order of AHEPA commenced in Athens with its international convention in plenary sessions and ceremonies, bestowing the organization’s highest honors on the President of the Hellenic Republic, the Prime Minister of Greece and the President of Cyprus.