Calamos Supports Greece


Asteroid, the Size of a Bus, Just Passed Close by Earth

A never-before noticed asteroid the size of a bus made a close approach to Earth on Thursday passing within just 56,000 miles (90,000 kilometers). The asteroid, named 2022 NF, passed safely by our planet at about 23 percent of the...

Dinosaur Fossil Found Was Struck By Asteroid

A stunningly preserved leg of a dinosaur found at the Tanis fossil site in North Dakota in the US is believed to be linked to the catastrophic asteroid event that wiped out the species 66 million years ago. Scientists say...

Asteroid Hits Earth at 11 Miles Per Second

A small asteroid struck the Earth above Iceland last Friday — just two hours after it was first spotted by an astronomer. The space rock, named 2022 EB5, is believed to have mostly burnt up in our planet's atmosphere, but...

Top Harvard Astronomer Believes Aliens Have Tried to Contact Us

Harvard astronomer Dr. Avi Loeb believes that aliens may have tried to contact us in 2017, when an object called 'Oumuamua flew past Earth. In a book published in early 2021, Loeb, who was the head of Harvard's astronomy department,...

Some of the Most Remarkable Impact Craters on Earth Are in Greece

As seen in impact craters all over our planet, there have been many Earth-shattering hits made by meteorites and comets over the eons -- including two remarkable lakes in Greece which many researchers believe are the result of two...

Greek Astronomers Capture Streaking Asteroid

A giant asteroid whizzed past Earth at a speed of nearly 50,000 miles per hour on Wednesday -- and it was observed firsthand by Greek astronomers. Asteroid 7482 (1994 PC1) was observed by the Institute of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space...

Giant Asteroid to Whizz by Earth at Close Range

A giant asteroid is going to whizz past Earth at a speed of nearly 50,000 miles per hour on January 18. The asteroid's path is the closest to Earth that any space rock will make in the next 200 years....

NASA Says Asteroid Will Break into Earth’s Orbit Next Week

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced on Wednesday that an asteroid larger than the Eiffel Tower will enter Earth's orbit next Saturday, December 11. The asteroid, called 4660 Nereus, is not expected to make an impact with Earth...

NASA to Test Planetary Defense Technology With DART Mission

NASA will be conducting a mission next month to test its planetary defense technology on two deep-space asteroids. The Double Asteroid Redirection Test, abbreviated as the DART Mission, involves sending a spacecraft out to the two asteroids -- known as...