Calamos Supports Greece

ancient languages

The Ancient Lemnian Language and Its Connection to Etruscan

The ancient language of Lemnian, which was spoken on the Greek island of Lemnos in the first millennium BC, was very closely connected with the Etruscan language, as uncovered inscriptions have found. There have been sixteen inscription remnants found that...

Queen Cleopatra’s Sole Surviving Handwriting Is a Single Greek Word

The sole surviving sample of Queen Cleopatra's handwriting, found on an ancient papyrus, reveals a single Greek word, "ginesthoi" (Greek: γίνεσθοι), meaning "make it happen" or " so be it". This remarkable document is a royal decree dated back to...

AI Reveals What Ancient Languages, Including Greek, Sounded Like

Artificial intelligence (AI) has resurrected ancient languages that were once spoken but have only survived in written form. Through video, AI made long-lost languages, including Ancient Greek, Latin, Old English, Proto-Celtic, Hittite and Akkadian, audible again by presenting the unique...

New Indo-European Language Discovered in Ancient City of Hattusa

An unknown Indo-European language found on a clay tablet inside a Hittite ritual text has been discovered during an excavation in Hattusa, the ancient capital of the Hittite Empire. The Hittite Empire was one of the great powers of Western...

The Oldest Languages in the World and the Origins of Writing

Determining the exact "oldest" languages can be challenging as the origin of many ancient languages is often shrouded in mystery. However, based on historical evidence and linguistic research, historians and philologists can make educated guesses. Ancient written languages emerged as...