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Ancient Greek history

How Did the Ancient Greeks Get Rid of Tyrants?

Ancient Greek laws against tyrants is a very fine subject to explore. Ancient Greece is known for its emerging democracy, many of which sentenced them to death. Scholarly observers have defined classical Athens as a direct democracy. Some have quarreled...

The European Program that helps Greek Rice

Rice was not always a part of everyday European cuisines. It was Alexander the Great and globalization that allowed this staple to cross borders. In fact, rice might even be seen as "Alexander's greatest gift to Western civilization." Due to lack...

Socrates’ Wisest and Most Inspiring Quotes

Socrates, famous for his wise and inspiring quotes, died as he lived—hated by most Athenians but much beloved by his students. He was condemned to prison and death by poison in 399 BC for corrupting Athenian youth and rejecting...

Ancient Greek Philosophers Who Excelled in Athens

Many ancient philosophers from Athens considered this city to be the center of their thriving intellectual activity. Their profound insights persistently influence our comprehension of ethics, politics, metaphysics, and the core inquiries concerning human existence. These luminaries and philosophers from Athens...

Battle of Gaugamela: When Alexander the Great Conquered Persia

On October 1, 331 BC, Alexander the Great's army defeated the Persian army led by Darius III at the Battle of Gaugamela to complete the conquest of the mighty Persian Empire. It was an extraordinary victory achieved against a larger...

The Day the Acropolis’ Parthenon was Destroyed

On September 26, 1687, the Parthenon of Acropolis in Athens faced a severe blow and was partly destroyed by Francesco Morosini, the leader of the Venetian army, who, as part of the Morean War, led an expedition to attack...

Dispilio Tablet, The Earliest Written Text Discovered in Greece

Even though archaeology claims that writing was invented in Sumer between 3,000 and 4,000 BC, a tablet that contradicted this perception was found in 1993 in Dispilio in the northern Greek province of Kastoria. The Dispilio Tablet is a wooden...

Has the Mystery of the Ancient Greek Paestum Swimmer been Solved?

A German archeologist has allegedly solved the mystery of the ancient Greek Paestum swimmer. The debate has endured for years about the possible interpretations of the fresco. Yet Tonio Höschler, a Professor Emeritus of Classical Archeology at the Ruprecht...