Calamos Supports Greece

Golden Dawn

Too Many Immigrants, So Greece Rounds Up the Usual Suspects

ATHENS – There aren’t many Greeks left in Omonia Square, which some years ago used to be a rotary with a fountain and greenery, but in recent years has become a Third World cement cesspool, an urban nightmare of...

Greeks Choice Comes Down to Samaras vs. Venizelos: Elitism vs. Arrogance

ATHENS - Before he became a disenchanted Democrat and reformed racist, and as he ran for President in 1968 on the American Independent Ticket, firebrand Alabama Governor George Wallace famously spat: “There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between...

Greek Elections Set for April 29 – Will Anything Change?

ATHENS – The brief reign of interim Prime Minister Lucas Papademos, the former European Central Bank (ECB) Vice-President who has been ruling since former premier George Papandreou resigned on Nov. 11, 2011, may end on April 29 if Greeks...