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Moscovici: Technical Deal on Greek Bailout Possible in Coming Weeks

European Commissioner for Economic Affairs, Pierre Moscovici, in an address to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, stated that “We continue to believe that a staff...

Moscovici Expresses Hope that Eurogroup Will Signal Swift Conclusion of Greece's 2nd Review

  Arriving for a Eurogroup meeting in Brussels on Monday, European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs Pierre Moscovici expressed hope that it would send...

EU Commissioner Moscovici: Greece has the Right to Act Within the EU Acquis

European Parliament Vice President Dimitris Papadimoulis raised the issue of collective labor contracts during a debate in the Europarliament on Wednesday. Addressing European Commissioner for...

European Commissioner Moscovici: Greece Needs to Take a Few More Steps

European Commissioner for financial affairs Pierre Moscovici on Wednesday said that no European institution favors austerity for Greece, but reforms and measures are needed...

Commissioner Moscovici: Greece Must Continue Efforts to Build a 'Success Story'

European Commissioner Pierre Moscovici on Monday underlined the need Greece to continue its efforts towards building a success story, during a press conference in...

Greece Must not be Presented with Forever Greater Demands, Moscovici Notes

It was natural for Greece's partners to expect that the country meet its commitments but only these and not constant additional demands, European Commissioner...

EU Commissioner Moscovici Wants 'Success Story' for Greece With Debt Deal by Year-End

European Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici said he hoped a deal to secure debt relief for Greece could be...