Calamos Supports Greece


Scientists Crack the Y Chromosome Code for the First Time

Researchers have successfully charted the Y chromosome's genetic landscape for the very first time. This significant advancement holds the potential to pave the way for addressing health concerns such male-related cancers and problems with fertility. The Y chromosome, which is...

Skipping Aspirin After Heart Attack Increases Risks

After experiencing a heart attack, your doctor probably advised you to take a small dose of aspirin every day. This is to lower the risk of having another heart attack or stroke. However, many people do not stick to...

Eye Scan May Detect Parkinson’s Years Before It’s Diagnosed

A breakthrough discovery has found a clue in the back of the eye that could be linked to Parkinson's disease, a condition affecting movement. What's remarkable is that this clue might show up many years before doctors are able...

Gut Bacteria May Impact Speed of Aging

Recently published research by a group of scientists has revealed that gut bacteria may impact the rate of aging experienced by humans. The intricate environment of the human gut hosts billions of microorganisms, forming a vital ecosystem that actively contributes...

Advancements in Transplanting Pig Kidneys to Humans

Exciting breakthroughs in the realm of transplanting pig kidneys into humans were unveiled on Wednesday by two distinct groups of researchers. These remarkable strides mark important advancements in the developing field known as xenotransplantation. Xenotransplantation involves employing organs or tissues...

Medical System on Greek Islands Struggles in Tourist Hotspots

Greek medical infrastructure is reportedly struggling to meet demand, particularly on the islands and in areas popular with tourists. A recent spate of deaths this summer, which were likely preventable, have prompted increased scrutiny of Greece's medical system. A limited number...

Genetically Engineered Bacteria Detect Cancer Cells

A group of scientists from around the world has created a new technology involving genetically engineered bacteria that could aid in finding or even treating cancer in tricky spots such as the colon. The team has shared their discovery in...

Microplastics Found in Human Blood for the First Time

Microplastics are in water, soil, air, and just about everywhere around us. Now experts have also detected microplastics in human bodies, the bloodstream of most humans, heart muscles, lungs, and even in placentas and feces of babies. Eating and...

Human Genes Can Be Controlled With Electricity, Study Reveals

A recent study conducted by ETH Zürich in Switzerland introduces the possibility of advanced wearable gadgets (possibly with some implants and genetic modifications) directly improving our well-being. The Swiss researchers developed an innovative technology that utilized gentle electrical pulses to...

AI Brain Implant Helps Patient Regain Both Feeling and Movement

In 2020, Keith Thomas, a resident of New York, experienced a severe driving accident that led to injuries in his C4 and C5 vertebrae, resulting in a complete loss of sensation and movement from his chest down. Thanks to advanced...

New Cancer Drug May Annihilate All Types of Solid Tumors

Scientists have crafted an exceptional cancer drug that shows promise in defeating various solid cancer tumors without harming healthy cells. Dubbed AOH1996, this newly discovered molecule takes aim at a protein commonly found in most cancers, which fuels the...

Wearable Scanner Could Detect Breast Cancer

MIT researchers have designed a wearable ultrasound scanner that could allow people to detect breast cancer when it is still in the early stages. In particular, it could be valuable for patients at high risk of developing breast cancer in...

Experimental Alzheimer’s Vaccine Prevents Disease in Early Study

A brand-new vaccine seems to halt Alzheimer's disease in its tracks, giving hope that we might be nearing the end of this disease. Researchers conducted a study using the vaccine on mice, and the results were remarkable. Not only did...

Alcohol Deaths on the Rise in Women, New Study Shows

A recent study has raised concerns about a surge in alcohol-related deaths, with a particular focus on women. The investigation, published in JAMA's Substance Use and Addiction journal on July 28, looked into 605,948 alcohol-related deaths that occurred between...