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Alcohol Deaths on the Rise in Women, New Study Shows

Alarming statistics reveal a surge in alcohol deaths among women
Alarming statistics reveal a surge in alcohol deaths among women. Credit: m01229 / Flickr / CC BY-NC 2.0

A recent study has raised concerns about a surge in alcohol-related deaths, with a particular focus on women. The investigation, published in JAMA’s Substance Use and Addiction journal on July 28, looked into 605,948 alcohol-related deaths that occurred between 1999 and 2020.

It’s essential to note that this figure excludes deaths resulting from injuries, homicides, or deaths indirectly related to alcohol use. The researchers found that men were 2.88 times more likely to die due to alcohol-related causes than women.

More alcohol deaths in women

Although both genders experienced an increase in alcohol-related deaths during the study period, the rate of death among women surged more rapidly.

Between 2018 and 2020, the death rate among women rose by 14.7%, whereas men saw a comparatively lower increase of 12.5% during the same two years. This indicates a concerning trend of rising alcohol-related fatalities, especially among women.

ABC News Medical Contributor, Dr. Darien Sutton, shared valuable insights on the physiological differences between men and women concerning the impact of alcohol consumption.

According to Dr. Sutton, women have a distinct physiological response to alcohol due to their body’s ability to metabolize it at a slower rate compared to men.

Dr. Sutton said, “When we digest alcohol, it’s digested with an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase.”

He further said, “Women typically have lower amounts of this enzyme, therefore exposing them to more toxic effects and negative long-term effects. I’m talking about liver disease, pancreatitis, heart failure, and also beyond that, lower rates of fertility, earlier menopause, and increased rates of colon cancer and breast cancer.”

Recognizing the signs of excessive drinking

Identifying warning signs of excessive or binge drinking is vital to ensure a healthy lifestyle. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines excessive drinking in women as consuming more than four drinks in one sitting, and in men as having more than five drinks in a single session.

Here are some crucial warning signs to watch out for:

Inability to control drinking

One of the warning signs is finding it challenging to limit the amount of alcohol consumed. People might feel unable to stop drinking once they have started, leading to excessive consumption.

Continued drinking despite problems

Persisting with alcohol intake despite experiencing personal or professional issues is a concerning sign. This behavior might indicate an unhealthy reliance on alcohol to cope with difficulties.

Increased tolerance

Developing a high tolerance for alcohol, meaning needing more drinks to achieve the same effect as before, could indicate excessive drinking.

Strong cravings for alcohol

Feeling an intense desire or craving to drink to the point where it becomes challenging to think about anything else might be a sign of problematic drinking.

Irritability or Anxiousness

Experiencing feelings of irritability or anxiousness when not drinking can be an indication of alcohol dependency or addiction.

Recognizing these warning signs can prompt individuals to seek help and support if needed. If you or someone you know is exhibiting these signs, it is essential to reach out to a healthcare professional or support group to address the issue and ensure a healthier and safer lifestyle.

If you believe that you or someone you know might be dealing with a drinking problem, there are valuable resources available to provide support and guidance:

Healthcare Provider

Consulting with a healthcare professional is a crucial step to address concerns about alcohol consumption. They can offer personalized advice, perform assessments, and recommend appropriate treatment options.

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