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GreekReporter.comHollywood“The Greek American” Alysia Maltepes

“The Greek American” Alysia Maltepes

Alysia Maltepes

Born and raised in Philadelphia, Alysia Maltepes knew from when she was little that directing was what she wanted to do. She produced and directed her first independent short film titled DSS-1550 in 2004, which opened at the International House in Philadelphia with success. The next step was a more daunting task that included many sleepless nights. Alysia gave an interview to the Greek Reporter speaking about her first feature film “The Greek American” and gave us a small “sneak- preview” of what we are going to see in the movie.

Tell us about the Greek American movie and how the project started.

The Greek American is a film about a Greek American man Michael Karras, who is successful but alone. Broken in his youth, we see his life spiral down into a dark abyss as he dives into boxing becoming, “The Greek Palikari” to try and forget about his pain. He eventually takes over a boxing gym and becomes a boxing promoter. As he spends his life searching for something to make him complete, he stumbles upon a woman who reminds him of his lost love and feels if he can save her, he can finally find redemption.

Love is the element that drives the movie. Does the movie contain any autobiographical content?

I was inspired to write about The Greek American when I was working for a State senator years ago. I was sitting at my desk and became motivated to write about a deep love story that could touch both men and women and expose how love challenges us as human beings.The movie does not contain any autobiographical content in particular; but the things that surround us, in some shape or form inspire every writer. I have seen a lot of happiness love brings to people and a lot of pain, and the pain is what people tend to remember more than the happiness for some reason, so in this movie I throw a lot of pain out there and challenge the character Michael to not let it destroy him, but instead, use it to save another life. With that being said, I also throw in a little comic relief into the movie to subside the pain.

Why did you choose the main protagonist to be Greek?

I chose the character to be Greek because I find Greek people to be the most passionate and the most loving, and since this is a story about the wrath of love, who better to have my lead than a Greek.

What were the challenges you had to face while shooting the movie?

There were many challenges I faced as a first time producer and director, and too many to name them all here. But If I had to choose one thing in particular, it would have to be making sure, at the end of the day, no matter how many things went wrong, you got the shot you wanted.

When is the movie going to be theatrically released?

We are planning to do so in late September in the city Philadelphia first (where the movie was filmed in) and a few other selected cities after. We did have a private screening for the movie, and the responses were all very positive.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and the things you like doing in your free time.

I am a pretty easy-going person (at least I’d like to think so). One of the things I enjoy most is drinking Greek coffee with my friends, reading our filtsania, followed by a great conversation.

Have you ever been in Greece? What are the things you like mostly about Greece?

I’ve been visiting Greece just about every summer since I was a little girl. My family has a home there and all of our relatives still live in Greece as well. I love Greece with all my heart.

What are the things you dislike in general?

The things I dislike in general…big ego’s. But doesn’t everybody? It’s important to not take yourself too seriously, but what you do seriously.

What are the things that give you inspiration mostly when you write?

Music most inspires me to write.

Tell us about your future projects.

As of right now I am working on a script called The Money Game.

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