Calamos Supports Greece

Sakis Zafiropoulos

Fronditha Care’s ‘Storgi’ Facility Celebrates 10 Years

Templestowe Aged Residential Care Facility “Storgi” celebrated its 10 years of operation and care for the elderly of the Greek-Australian community in a celebration held on May 13 on the facility premises to commemorate its anniversary. The event took place...

Fronditha Elderly Care Gets $1.8M Gift

Some 1.815 million dollars was donated to Frontida Care in commemoration of doctor Constantine Kiriazopoulos, by his son Mike Krizos in his will. Fronditha Care - formerly called the Australian Greek Society for Care of the Elderly - is...

Greeks Are Australia Day’s Ambassadors

The local government of Victoria has chosen five immigrants of Greek descent for the role of Australia Day's Ambassadors to promote Australian community events. Australia Day is celebrated on Jan, 26 each year. In 2013, the public holiday will...

Greek Aged Care Centre ‘Hippocrates’ in New Castle

The Greek Aged Care Centre 'Hippocrates' was opened last Saturday in New Castle of New South Wales (NSW). 'Hippocrates' is a philanthropic, community based organization cooperating with Fronditha Care Inc, that provides services to elderly from culturally and linguistically diverse...