Calamos Supports Greece

Ancient Greece

The Greek Monkey Mystery, an Important Clue to Bronze Age World

Ancient frescoes like that of the Greek monkeys on Santorini suggest Europe and south Asia had trade links as long as 3,600 years ago.  By Tracie McKinney & Marie Nicole Pareja Cummings The blue monkeys painted on the walls of Akrotiri on...

Cleopatra, The Greek Queen of Ancient Egypt

Cleopatra VII Philopater ruled over Ancient Egypt from 51 to 30 BC and was the last ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt. After her death, the Roman Empire took control of the country. The Ptolemaic Dynasty was formed by...

Pythian Games: The Art Olympics of Ancient Greece

Nearly everyone around the world knows the Olympic Games that began in ancient Greece, but who really knows what the Pythian Games are? In the heart of ancient Greece, in Delphi, these games honored Apollo's mythical victory over the serpent...

The Bee in Ancient Greece: A Symbol of Health and Healing

Depictions of the bee appear very early in the development of coinage in ancient Greece, with Ephesus, an ancient city in Ionia (Aegean coast of Asia Minor), having a particular claim to the tradition after it adopted the insect...

The Magical World of Wit and Wisdom of Ancient Greek Comedy

In the rich history of ancient Greek culture, comedy shines as a vibrant example of literature and theater that deeply shaped the world of art. Originating from the joyous celebrations in honor of Dionysus, the god of wine, fertility, and...

The Greek City That Was the Ceramic Center of the Ancient World

The Greek city of Klazomenai located near today's Izmir (Smyrna) was the center of ceramic production in the ancient world. Unique Ancient Greek ceramic figures along with a 2,500-year-old type of water-basin used for rituals have recently been discovered during...

Ancient Greece a Pioneer in Marketing and Advertising

Advertising and marketing flourished in ancient Greece and Rome. Although they lacked the sophistication of modern advertising campaigns, there were certainly efforts to draw attention to goods, services, and events. Advertising was most evident in Greek pottery. Many pots are...

Did the Spartans Throw Their Babies Off the Cliff?

The Spartans were renowned for being exceptionally fierce warriors (as famously depicted in the film 300). As can be expected, growing up as a Spartan was not always easy. Supposedly, according to some sources, the Spartans were so focused...

The Epic Clash of Centaurs and Humans in Greek Mythology

The Centauromachy was a mythical battle between the Lapith people, who were members of the ancient Greek tribe of Aeolians who lived in Thessaly, and the mythical centaurs—half-horse, half-man creatures in Greek mythology. Who were the Centaurs and the Lapiths? The...